LEADEXPO Solution Inc. - When you see these thee words, rest assured you are dealing with a international conference & exhibition technology services company. LEADEXPO have been meeting the needs of its clientele for nearly 12 years. Our Services: 1. Software System Design and Management - Event Online Registration / Pre-Registration System - Event Onsite Registration System - Access Control System - Customized Data / Information Management System2. Hardware / Equipment Rental Services - Onsite Registration Facilities - Badge Printing Facilities - Access Control Facilities ( Barcode scanner & RFID reader) - Ticket Vending Machine 3. Human Resource Management Services - Temporary Leased Staffs - Outsourcing Work & Duty - Bilingual Talents Supports - Short term / Onsite Personnel Thus, No matter where you are or what your event needs may be, if your are looking for a event total solution services, look no further than LEADEXPO. LEADEXPO Solution Inc. has been meeting the event organizer needs of professional throughout Taiwan. Our customer service record is unrivaled, and we stand by all of our services to make sure they will meet your needs. LEADEXPO means trust! 集利科技股份有限公司成立於民國九十三年十一月,業務範圍包含展覽及會議資訊管理系統之研究開發 與應用、客製化會展規畫與服務管理、活動現場各項硬體設備租賃、及專業的人力派遣,等近年更致力發展RFID應用技術,朝 全方位的整合性服務發展。 本公司每年承接許多在北中南各大展覽館舉辦的國際專業展及研討會,包括享譽國際的國際電腦展及半導體展等。經本公司所提供的軟硬體管理與服務,各項展覽獲致的成果均極為豐盛,深獲主辦單位肯定。 集利提供了合理的服務價格、全方位的完整服務流程,且每年超過50場大型展覽及研討會的豐富經歷,我們非常樂意提供您各種活動實務建議及經驗分享。