The School of Business Education is an interactive learning glass technology platform which offers top quality online courses covering all subjects of ACCA, CA and ICMA Pakistan. When it comes to education not everyone is privileged enough to have access to quality education that is affordable. To counter this situation, TSB education is proud to launch its online courses such as Online ACCA, CA and ICMA both for national and international students. We believe quality education isn't a private good and should be accessible for all that is why we have chosen the bilingual method in which the regional students can be benefited from our lectures in Urdu as well as in English…We aim to provide quality education that is accessible and affordable for the students.You can now access to our premium quality recorded lectures covering all the ACCA Subjects in its entirety. By using Learning Glass technology, we bring you the best faculty in ACCA Pakistan delivering recorded lectures and live webinars in local languages. Get our detailed lecture notes by enrolling yourself in our classes.To give a brief introduction of this course, We follow standardized ACCA Syllabus where students have to attempt 14 papers out of 16. ACCA Subjects are divided into 3 levels modules i.e., Fundamental/Knowledge, Skills, Essentials. Whereas, students also have the facility to choose from two optional subjects.Learn online ACCA P7 , ACCA FA1, ACCA F8 lectures from our best faculty and get benefits of studying Online ACCA lectures across Pakistan.Some papers are like a lump in the throat which never settles down. But the good news is that we have covered the ICAP Syllabus covering all subjects of CA (ICAP), ACCA, ICAEW, CIA, and CFA so that you can equip yourself with all the tools you need for your exams anywhere, anytime and, at your own pace. Accounting/Finance background students of CA Pakistan and abroad students can enroll themselves in our Online CA classes of Pakistan.