1) Name of Company : Care and Cure Medical Services (pvt) Ltd.2) Brand Name : Care & Cure3) Area of Action : Whole Bangladesh.4) Registered Office : 2/H, Jahera Manjeel, Golden Street, Ring Road, Shaymoli, Dhaka-12075) Type Of Company : Registered Private Company.6) Type Of Business : a. As an effect of the ageing of the population in general, the number of citizens with chronic diseases is increasing, especially among elderly people throughout the Baltic Sea Region. This is a great challenge for both the well-being of the citizens and the public health care system. Health care solutions provided by information and communication technology ( ICT), also known as eHealth, offer one solution to this problem. The tools and services which contribute to eHealth provide better and more efficient health care services for all. b. Health care, to provide health care product easy to clients, Tele- Medicine ie. Tele Medical Consultation, Tele- Hospital ie, To provide Hospital service at the door of the client, Medi-Home service, Counselling, Geriatric Care Service, Disable Care Service, Children care Center ie. Day Care Center With Education Health Care, to market medicare, Healthcare/medical instruments etc. c. Objectives: 1. Better acceptance of ITC in Health Care.