CCD is an innovative, early childhood care center offering a high quality maria montessori inspired education. Our school is strategically located in Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. CCD Pre Schools is a home away from home where your child will build the knowledge and skills needed for a strong foundation in early childhood education. Our philosophy is based on the montessori approach which inspires and motivates children to excel and to thrive by exploring their curiosity and learning through fun and creative ways.At our school, parents also contribute in the learning and development of their child by acting as collaborators, supporters and partners. Teachers, parents and the community work together towards the child's development. We nourish quality communication and relationships. We welcome ideas for learning and share best practices so that we can provide a higher quality experience for the children. When parents, teachers and the community are involved, children thrive.Nutrition is equally important to us and we offer nutritious home cooked meals and snacks, served family style. Teachers and staff eat with the children to encourage and demonstrate social eating.We encourage you to schedule a tour or take a moment to watch the CCD Pre Schools & Child care virtual tour, to immerse yourself in our dynamic programs and to appreciate CCD Schools' unique approach to nurturing your child.*CCD Pre School & Child Care is an independently owned business.