Marc Mimram Architecture & Associés develops with Marc Mimram Engineering an activity of architecture and engineering design, in Europe and abroad. The production of the agency concerns emblematic projects in many areas of the field of construction: Strasbourg School of Architecture, Montpellier Sud de France High Speed Train Station, Bridge over the Danube River in Linz (AU), Bath Quays Bridge (UK), Panorama Bridge Office Building on ZAC Seine Rive Gauche, Paris (FR), Pleyel Bridge in St. Denis (FR), Extension of no 11 Metro Line in Paris (FR). This often remarkable production is regularly acknowledged and rewarded.The specificity of the agency lies in the double expertise. That of the architect designer, carrying the story and intention of the project, the form and manner, and that of the engineer and builder, ensuring the mastery of complex technical subjects. Both assumed in one approach, the same attitude in the service of the project.