D4D supports organizations and their employees to turn data into information, and to transform this information to knowledge. Gathering core data about the results of your organization helps you to gage your progress, adapt your processes for more efficiency, and to learn. The data user is central in this process, supported by ICT and keeping the line of the IATI standard.D4D is familiar with the challenges of the quasi-government and the non profit sector and makes a connection with the sector and innovations in the ICT field in order to achieve better results through 'data driven knowledge'. D4D has expertise in:• providing advice for an optimal (information) strategy and the related application landscape• guiding change processes in organizations and using applications to improve their results.• giving advice on the use of (open) data and implementing standards such as IATI.• agile change processes that make it possible for the client to adjust their goals and provide input.• designing, financing and implementing development projects both in the Netherlands and abroad.• setting up Monitoring & Evaluation processes and measuring results.