Laboratorios Borinquen, arises through an initiative of a group of doctors concerned about obtaining quality results from a laboratory that offers reliable results, in a reasonable time for both patients and the medical class. It is for this reason that the Quality Assurance Committee was set up in the laboratory, led by Dr. Ricardo Muler.The committee has the participation of the following medical pathologists; Dr. Eliud López, Dr. Angelissa Franceschini, Dr. Luis B. Ramos, and Dr. José Simons. These pathologists are highly qualified and have many years of experience managing our laboratories. All contribute significantly to the quality of our results, and share the vision of Laboratorios Borinquen, to provide reliability, quality, precision and excellence in all our services.Currently the committee is composed of the following people: Lcda. Lydia Cora, Lcda. Nilsa Cotto, Lcda. Yolanda Martínez, Lcda. Magali Martínez, Lcda. Iris Rodríguez, Lcda. Yolanda Santodomingo, Lcda. Mariam Marcano, Lcda. Norma Rodríguez, Dr. Angelissa Franceschini, Dr. Eliud López, Dr. José Simons, Dr. Luis B. Ramos and the president of said committee, Dr. Ricardo Mulero.Today, what began as a business venture of several doctors, has become a company with 38 branches around the Island and more than 550 employees led by the Lcda. Lydia Cora, Operations Manager. Currently the company is headed by Mrs. Delia Manrique de Whitlock in the presidency and Dr. Ricardo Mulero as Vice -President, who ensures to maintain our tradition of quality. Finance and strategic planning functions are directed by Iván Tenreyro, CPA who serves as Vice President & CFO . Today the expansion continues under the able management of our Board of Directors, who together with loyal employees have given continuity to the business vision of Dr. Robert N. Whitlock, (Q.E.P.D).