SensPD develops a cloud base technology of adaptive algorithms using big data to objectively detect autism after birth. Our vision: change the lives of millions worldwide by screening newborns for autism after birth. How early in life can autism truly be detected? 1 in 59 babies born today will be diagnosed with autism, according to the latest CDC report (2018). One of the most difficult challenges of dealing with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is accurate and timely diagnosis. Early detection will allow early interventions starting at 6 months of age resulting in significant improvements in ingraining skills allowing enhanced social integration.The company utilizes the sense of hearing as a window to detect the sensory perception (SP) performance a known faulty denominator across the autistic spectrum. SensPD was founded in 2017 by Raphael (Raffi) Rembrand a father of a child diagnosed with autism at age 4. At the time, it was made clear to him that at his son's developmental stage, it was simply too late for any meaningful intervention. Using his experience as an engineer, and in particular with signal processing, Raffi has worked towards understanding autism and identifying a method to enable early diagnosis. SensPD was founded with a solid team with a proven business track record, coupled with the strong support of the scientific community.