Industry challenge Effective indoor navigation is a challenge for mobile robotics and autonomous vehicles. GPS does not work indoors, alternative systems don't support accurate positioning or rely on expensive and inflexible infrastructure such as rails, beacons or magnet grids.Accurate positioning without infrastructureAccerion has developed a breakthrough, patent-pending positioning technology which can be integrated into automated vehicles and mobile robots. Our module uniquely enables automated vehicles to navigate in dynamic environments, both indoors and outdoors, without requiring infrastructure outside the vehicle or robot. We provide a positioning module as a single system for integration in new and existing equipment. This module enables manufacturers of robots and automatic vehicles to create new flexible and cost-effective logistics solutions. These solutions will drive automation and efficiency in warehousing, manufacturing and many other industries.Our benefits No infrastructure required - Accurate positioning for robots and vehicles without infrastructureSimple - Accurate positioning data from a single source.Flexible - Navigation in dynamic environments, supports arbitrary routes and requires no environment preparationCost effective -No infrastructure means fast integration and routing setup.