Talia Clay Editorial has completely customizable writing, editing and proofreading services to meet your needs.Writing can be tough. Sometimes, after hours of hard work, we find we aren't satisfied with our writing. Maybe it doesn't sound quite right. And we've read the same document so many times that none of it makes sense anymore. Perhaps, we're also worried we made grammatical mistakes that detract from what we are trying to say. Or maybe we'd like someone else to take care of the writing so we can focus on more important things like running the business.Let Talia Clay Editorial help you find the write words. I offer top-notch writing, editing and proofreading services to make your life a little easier. Services for Individuals and Professionals:WritingRewritingComprehensive EditingProofreading Services for Students:Academic/Literary ReviewLite Academic ReviewWriting Tutoring Contact me for more details and questions.954-372-7293tccj@taliaclayeditorial.com