Established in 1974, Kensington Community Corporation for Individual Dignity is a 501(c)(3) public charity that provides services to a wide range of adult males and females with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in the Philadelphia area. KenCCID assesses the best accommodation for each individual to assure suitable supports. KenCCID accomplishes this by taking into account the various limitations of each individual's ability and helping that individual achieve the utmost quality of life and living arrangement. Most individuals live in a two to three persons home, and some individuals may reside in semi-independent settings or in a family-based supports; while others are best suited in one person residential settings. For those who are retired and for those who choose not to attend formalized day supports, KenCCID provides various individual specific social and recreational day activities. KenCCID works to develop community employment opportunities for all individuals based on their assessments, profiles and interests. These targeted activities and alternative social leisure integration have allowed individuals build valuable social capital. From the very beginning, the purpose of the founding members was to support people served to achieve their full potential through access to quality services and supports. To assure people have choices in their personal lives and a full range of services be made available to promote independence and enhance their daily lives.