The mission of the Exchange Club Family Resource Center is to provide education and support services to families in Rome and Floyd County. It is our aim to strengthen the parenting and life skills of the parents and to prevent child abuse and neglect within these families.The Center offers a variety of services designed to build on and increase the strength and stability of families, enhance family functioning, and prevent abuse and neglect. These services include parent education, community education and in-home services. We strive to make a difference in the lives of children, families and our community.Through services, it is our goal that the following outcomes be achieved:Safety...Children are protected from abuse and neglect and safely maintained in their homes whenever possible. The risk of harm to children is minimized by providing parenting skills education to the parents.Permanency...Children have the permanency and stability in their living situations. The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for the children.Experience Child and Family Well-being...Families recognize the needs of their children, have enhanced capacity to provide for those needs, and have support systems.