eservices and project support specialist at First Florida Credit Union - Jacksonville, FL, US
First Florida Credit Union is headquartered in Jacksonville and operates 17 branches throughout the state, serving more than 55,000 members.The organization's guiding mission is to support its members' financial aspirations by providing affordable financial products and services with outstanding member service.Our commitment to this principle has resulted in the cultivation of a loyal membership.Motivated by our vision and promise to members, First Florida Credit Union continues to be a thriving financial organization ready to serve its members' needs.Our Vision - To be recognized for delivering financial solutions that enrich people's lives.As your financial partner, we promise to:• Simplify your life• Listen and be responsive to your needs• Deliver trusted financial solutions• Protect your privacyLearn More About Us:By phone - call (800) 766-4328, ext. 1 [in Jacksonville (904) 359-6800, ext. 1]Stop by a branch or schedule an appointment.