Marinergy was established with the partnership of YEO Group's expertise and experience in the electricity, automation, and energy sectors and ARAS Marine's on-water and underwater work experience and power in marine operations, Floating Solar Power Plants, Electricity Generation from Wave Energy, Offshore Wind Power Plants and different water scopes offers turnkey services in Turkey and abroad.Within the scope of this service, we produce complete solutions adapted to the needs of our customers by supporting all aspects of consultancy, project development, design, engineering, correct equipment selection and procurement, construction process.With the new regulation, it has become possible to install floating PV within the licensed area of hydroelectric power plants with a regulator or reservoir area, and with this auxiliary resource investment, increases can be seen in the efficiency and gains of existing power plants. Establishing the secondary source in areas such as dam and reservoir areas, ponds or water storage areas provides a big advantage in utilize the inactive areas.