Tamesha Rhyne's Company Details
Greensboro, NC, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Tree of Life Counseling a private practice committed to quality mental health care that is provided in a collaborative effort with the client's overall health strategies.Tree of Life Counseling also provides Affirmative Therapy for all LGBQ+ & T clients.Affirmative therapy for LGBTQ individuals is based on the premise that LGBTQ and heterosexual identities are equally valid. An LGBTQ affirmative counselor has particular knowledge, awareness (specifically self-awareness), and skills specific to competent counseling for LGBTQ individuals.We are the only mental health practice in the triad that caters to the transgender community and has a WPATH Certified Gender Specialist.
General Counseling
LBG and T Counseling
Cross Sex Hormone & Gender Reassignment Evaluations/Referrals
Relationship Issues
DWI/DUI Assessments
Addiction Assessment & Recovery
Depression and Anxiety
Marital/Couples Counseling
Parenting Issues
Grief and Loss
Anger Management
Traumatic Brain Injury and Disabilities
Chronic Pain
Gender Issues
Bipolar Disorder
Personality Disorders
Adjustment to life transitions
Substance Misuse and Relapse Prevention/Recovery
Cross Sex Hormone & Gender Reassignment Evaluations/Referrals
Addiction Assessment & Recovery
Sex Therapy
Psychiatric Hospitals
Mental Health Care