B3 Medical is on an impassioned mission to become the go-to leader in health and wellness. We provide education to the Tampa area – and the nation - about the importance of proactively making the right choices for a healthy lifestyle, while providing an extensive network of wellness centers with all the necessary services and staff to empower and support those choices.Today, we require a transformative change in our health-care system. We focus on the creation of a new standard of care, one that combines a wellness outlook with the co-management of disease. Our team mantra is: "collectively educating and empowering." With our centers, we strive to create an environment that not only serves as a vehicle for like-minded doctors, therapists and trainers to make a difference in people's lives, but also as a model for the transformation of healthcare from sick-care of the body to well-care of the mind, body, and spirit.At B3 Medical, we give for the sake of giving, love for the sake of loving, and serve for the sake of serving. This motto reveals the exemplary service you can expect when you visit our office.Whether treating a dedicated mom struggling financially or a pro athlete with a multi-million-dollar contract, we are committed to providing the same level of exceptional care that inspires and supports trusting long-term relationships.