Tamika Stuckey

direct care worker 2 at Centerboard - Lynn, MA, US

Tamika Stuckey's Contact Details
Tamika Stuckey's Company Details
Centerboard logo, Centerboard contact details


Lynn, MA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Centerboard is a community-based organization that supports families and young people through housing, access to employment and education, and financial empowerment. We work with parents and teens to achieve independence by providing trauma informed care and case management. In addition, we work with local residents, businesses and elected officials to increase economic opportunity in the community. Through these efforts, we serve over 1500 people each year.

Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about Centerboard
Frequently Asked Questions about Tamika Stuckey
Tamika Stuckey currently works for Centerboard.
Tamika Stuckey's role at Centerboard is direct care worker 2.
Tamika Stuckey's email address is ***@centerboard.org. To view Tamika Stuckey's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tamika Stuckey works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Tamika Stuckey's colleagues at Centerboard are Sreyrath Honn, Deborah Mullaly, Zachary Fazio, Emma Savely, Christine Kidney, Vanessa Maldonado, Ana Fuentes and others.
Tamika Stuckey's phone number is ["+17818420221","+17815689128"]
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