Aglime of Australia has held the highest quality limesand deposits within close reach of the agricultural region since pioneering the liming industry in 1981. Combined with Aglime's scientific understanding of agriculture in WA, this is the competitive advantage that makes Aglime the best lime supplier in the state.Aglime of Australia has been at the forefront of long term research on liming acid soils for over 25 years. Our field trial program has included over 200 replicated field trials carried out under normal farming conditions in the wheatbelt. In addition, some strategic research has been carried out for GRDC. The trials have clearly demonstrated that Aglime treats topsoil, leaches into and treats midsoil and subsoil leading to improved yields, pasture production and profitability.Aglime is the best lime in WA. Aglime's fine particle size and high neutralising value positions it as the state's most cost effective source of lime for farmers when all costs are included.Aglime of Australia has minesites at Lancelin, Jurien and Dongara. Each minesite is managed by a local contractor. Product is weighed using Loadright cells on the loaders.