Indigenous people are considered leaders in environmental stewardship and are known for their long term devotion to protect Mother Earth. A tribe-owned, operated and environmentally-conscious company that trains Natives is a clear win for everyone. Many foreign countries have a prodigious respect for Native-made products, culture and beliefs.Tribal engagement requires providing the diligence to prove that the venture and vision is true, honest and most importantly--tribal-driven. Since tribal beliefs vary, having a thoughtful approach to understand the fundamental culture of tribes of which all other matters build from is not only insightful, but essential. Projects that will eliminate tribal reliance on federal funds and train tribal people for gainful employment can bring about true self-governance and self-determination as many Indian acts proclaim, but cannot deliver. This is true tribal sovereignty.All Nations engages in work that will lead to stronger tribal governments and communities by developing an increased presence of Native American and Canada First Nations-owned companies in the national and global economies. We are involved in projects that will bring the wealth back to tribal people by way of employment opportunities, education and nation building.ANGS is the impetus behind the development and implementation of ventures that can take advantage of the Buy Indian Act, sole sourcing and 8(a) contracting. Tribes generally create federal corporations under Section 17 of the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) to conduct business. ANGS understands these regulations. By building and structuring these businesses between investors and tribes or Native businesses, we can bring together the strong forces of financial backing and minority advantages in both the public and government sectors. ANGS has the presence and corporate ability to navigate in pubic and tribal environments and to secure investment and international business exchange.