In these sparsely populated areas, where income is generally low, private telecommunication operators do not want to invest because it is not profitable. Or are investing but their services are over paid and awful . Only towns are cabled at present (the optical cable is one of the channels for the "broadband") and there are no plans to change this in the short term. If the market were left to decide, villages with populations of 5 000 or less would not be connected to the cable for another twenty years.Phoenix Innovative Approach , for local community,against the digital divide, for e-inclusion, as a part of the actions of the ICR, wants to change that. The goal is to make broadband Internet accessible to all inhabitants including those living in the most remote areas. As part of an ongoing experiment 147 villages will be connected to the broadband, iptv - along with some inovative services that we are developing. What do we need broadband if we don`t know to use it or how to use the benefits of it? Public workshops, education, continuing education, internet training rooms, ecdl training for every village inhabitants and farmers would be provided in the following 3 years of project implementation.Public Internet centers are being set up as bridgeheads against the digital divide.