STEP is a strategy and transformation consulting firm, specializing in aeronautics, defense and complex industries for close to 20 years. AN IMPACTFUL PARTNER SINCE 2004 Our core business: to assist major industrials and mid-cap companies that strive to be more competitive in a world in perpetual motion. More than ever, transformation is a necessity for companies, as it allows them to adapt quickly to ever-changing markets. Our experts are committed to collaborating closely with our customers’ teams, to help them challenge their identity and to establish impactful sustainable solutions. D3S, OUR DATA-DEDICATED STRUCTURE AT THE SERVICE OF PERFORMANCE To accelerate their transformation, many companies are unaware that their own data constitutes a precious and decisive asset. Our data-dedicated structure D3S (Data Science Strategic Services) digitalizes and upgrades the value of all types of data with artificial intelligence, to create quick performance breakthroughs.