Line Staff at Lund Van Dyke, LLC Autism & Behavior Specialists - Green Bay, Wisconsin, US
Lund Van Dyke, Inc. delivers top quality in-home intensive, post-intensive, pre-intensive, and diagnostic evaluation services to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lund Van Dyke emphasizes individualized goals based on proven, evidence-based treatment approaches - mainly Applied Behavior Analysis. We specialize in the delivery of Verbal Behavior Therapy, Lovaas, and interactive play approaches, matching the best approach (or combination of approaches) to the individual needs and learning style of the child. Our therapy team is managed by highly skilled, well-trained, and caring senior clinicians. We work one-on-one with children with Autism to first establish a fun, positive, and playful relationship. As children learn to cooperate, imitate, and attend to others, the focus turns to increasing other major skill areas including (but not limited to) language, socialization, play, academic, and self-help skills. Social play with peers and transitions into school environments are introduced and carefully managed as children are ready. Individualized goals are broken down into manageable components based on the child’s learning preference. This way the therapy approach remains positive while children experience success. Therapeutic effectiveness is continually monitored by measuring progress and assessing the amount of fun the child is having during therapy. The goal of our autism therapy is to have every child learn as many new skills as possible in order to maximize his or her potential. The majority of children look forward to therapy because they have fun and are put in a position where they are successful! Other common elements of our Autism Spectrum Disorder program includes: Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), sign language, social stories, video modeling, meaningful generalization of skills to natural environments, parent/caregiver training and involvement in the therapy process, community support, school consultation and support, etc.