"Inscape is the inward quality of objects as they are perceived by the joined introspection of a poet, who in turn embodies them in unique poetic forms."— Gerard Manley HopkinsInscape Journal is run and produced by students of Brigham Young University, publishing creative writing and art in our journals twice a year.The journal is published as a cooperative effort of the BYU College of Humanities and the Department of English. The contents represent the opinions and beliefs of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors, the staff, the advisors, Brigham Young University, or its sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Each fall, Inscape is published both in print and online, and each winter an additional issue is published exclusively online. Submissions are welcome during the first half of the Fall and Winter semesters.As a student-run and university-supported journal, Inscape has some great advantages. We get to work with the brightest students on campus, on both sides of the editorial process; we have the opportunity to produce a journal of quality literature for its own sake; and Inscape provides experience that no ordinary class can touch. We'd like to thank the BYU English Department for their support in making Inscape possible.