Founded in 1973 by Diwan Arun Nanda, Ajit Balakrishnan and Mohammed Khan, Rediffusion Brand Solutions Private Limited is one of India's most iconic advertising agency groups. The agency, known for its category defining work, has been responsible for building powerful brands over the years. Rediffusion's recent mega brand wins include SBI, Tata 150 years mandate, Liebherr & Tata Trusts. The agency group also continues to handle Tata Sons, Tata Motors, Parle, TVS Tyres, Taj, L&T Realty, Godfrey Philips, Eveready, HPCL, Audi, GSK, Danone, Sun Pharma, to name a few.The Rediffusion Group today comprises Rediffusion, Rediffusion Direct, Rediffusion Healthcare Communications, Everest Brand Solutions & Rediffusion is now fully held by Diwan Arun Nanda & Ajit Balakrishnan.