Tanya Palit

Grassroots Coordinator at The Akshaya Patra Foundation - , ,

Tanya Palit's Contact Details
(781) 438-3090
The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Tanya Palit's Company Details

The Akshaya Patra Foundation

, , • 1501 Employees

Vision: No child should be deprived of education because of hunger. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation headquartered in Bengaluru, India running the Mid-Day Meal Programme in over 24,000 government and government-aided schools across 16 States and 2 UT, serving 2.1 million children every school day. Akshaya Patra has cumulatively served over 3.5 billion meals since its inception in the year 2000. Humanitarian efforts: Akshaya Patra has also responded proactively to several crisis situations such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes and COVID-19 pandemic, working within and outside the boundaries of the nation. It began COVID-19 Food Relief Efforts from the first day of India’s nationwide lockdown on March 25, 2020. Food Relief comprises Cooked Meals and Grocery Kits. The latter includes standard kits, as well as specialised kits for mid-day meal beneficiary children, anaemic pregnant women and families. Akshaya Patra also rolled out Incentivised Vaccination Drives in marginalised communities to overcome vaccine hesitancy, while looking to protect lives and livelihoods in the long term.

Akshaya Patra Akshay Patra Akshaya Patra Foundation Akshaya Patra Founda Akshayapatra
Details about The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Frequently Asked Questions about Tanya Palit
Tanya Palit currently works for The Akshaya Patra Foundation.
Tanya Palit's role at The Akshaya Patra Foundation is Grassroots Coordinator.
Tanya Palit's email address is ***@akshayapatra.org. To view Tanya Palit's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tanya Palit works in the Other industry.
Tanya Palit's colleagues at The Akshaya Patra Foundation are Manjunath Kanannavar, Manjunath Degala, Nilesh Mehta, Ashok Kini, Umed Singh, Raghavendra Bhatt, Ganesh Jaware and others.
Tanya Palit's phone number is (781) 438-3090
See more information about Tanya Palit