Formed in 2002, we provide high-quality online study materials and courses for the CIMA qualification, as well as a range of CPD courses. www.astranti.comInitially specialising in tutoring students for the final CIMA case study exam, our offering has expanded considerably over the intervening years. Our CIMA courses and material cover all levels and subjects for the CIMA qualification. We also produce and share a great deal of free material including full course notes, tuition videos, exam technique guides and more.Each year we help thousands of students to pass their exams through our free and paid for courses and materials.By keeping our courses and materials online only, we are able to help students that require flexible learning methods that fit around their busy day-to-day lives. Our goal is to give every single student a positive experience and to help them to pass their exams. As you will see from the various testimonials on our site we have many very satisfied customers.