Imagine a hassle-free relocation process. Coppergate International provides relocation services for transferring employees into and around the U.S. Relocating employees can stay productive and experience a seamless transition, while employers can relax, in the knowledgte that Coppergate is handling everything. 97% of relocating employees assisted by Coppergate would recommend our services. That's a statistic we're proud of!Unique online tools allows us to provide relocating individuals with information and instruction on all the questions they may have. Even those they don't yet know to ask! Logistical elements are supported, and personal details are taken care of.Our business clients enjoy up to the minute updates on all aspects of the relocation process. Keeping them in control of, but not wasting time on, the management of their employees arrival and settlement.Coppergate's ultimate goal is to keep transferees happy, clients informed, and everyone productive!