The Research Gate Conferences creates a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing best practices. We welcome all participants globally to attend the International Conference on Cancer Science and Therapeutics in Orlando, Florida, USA, during August 13-15, 2020.The conference will make its mark in the region benefiting all those who attend, with the latest updates in oncology and networking opportunities. We look forward to present to you a great line up of renowned faculty covering a wide range of exciting topics in multiple aspects of oncology.The Cancer Conference 2020 will highlight the latest advances in cancer research and clinical oncology by providing an informative scientific and clinical platform for all professionals, researchers, faculty, scientists, clinicians, and speakers in the field of cancer.The main focus of 3 days conference is to provide a series of lectures, interactive presentations with ample time for networking and discussions to accelerate the translation of innovative discovery from the laboratory to clinical level, advance regional scientific multidisciplinary collaboration as well as exchange best practices regionally and globally. Cancer Conference 2020 also providing opportunity for oncologists, physicians, nurses, researchers, investigators, and allied health personnel to access the latest updates in the field.The theme of the conference is "Global Advances in Oncology & Cancer Research''. We are developing a scientific program designed to stimulate interest in evolving cancer care. There will be plenary lectures by prestigious speakers, breakout sessions, abstract sessions and interactive workshops relevant to oncologists, physicians, researchers, students, trainees, nurses.We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in this conference. Join us not just for the stimulating exchange of ideas but to experience the beauty and diversity that the Orlando culture has to offer.