Leaders are here to make a difference. Its ingrained in their DNAThey want their work to add up to something, something big, something beautiful, and something they can be proud of.Results orientated Leaders go after the things that they want. They focus on their inputs that guarantee the outcome they expect. They never settle and are obsessed with delivering the highest results in spite of obstacles and in the timeliest manner.Leaders eat last.They put others before themselves, Leaders feel they are in the service of others and in doing so develop the real ability to inspire others to do the things that inspire them. Be the last to speak Leaders don't need to be the loudest in the room, they learn to be the last to speak.They give everyone else the feeling that they have contributed and have been heard, before rendering their opinion. Never Give up Leaders persevere through numerous challenges, they avoid the instant gratification short term thinking, and instead focus on the long term objectives and develop a steely resolve to keep learning, adjusting, and tweaking their skills, systems and processes until they succeed.