WAM!NET Japan K.K. is a service provider, committed to provide secure, reliable and advanced network service for business communication. We mainly offer cloud services as well as data transmission services to Japanese companies. In addition to develop software/service by ourselves, we also import software/hardware/cloud service from overseas. We are able to evaluate, localize, and distribute the IT products in the Japanese market by our own sales/marketing teams along with domestic sales/marketing partner companies. WAM!NET Japan was originally established as a joint venture by Sumitomo Corporation and WAM!NET US to expand the WAM!NET business in the Japanese market. Since then, WAM!NET Japan has extended the business from WAM!NET to our own products. Examples of the products are; Products from overseas partner companies: WAM!NET, GigaCC View Products developed by us: GigaCC, GigaCC Trust, MultiPortFax 4 Pro, WS2WS2, Content Facilitator... GigaCC is an on-line storage & communication platform for enterprises, and we have been serving the product for over 10 years in Japan. It is recognized as No.1 paid online storage in the Japanese market. It is trusted and selected by number of enterprises because of rich enterprise oriented features. WAM!NET is a network service, which transmit large data over the Internet. It is a de fact product for Japanese media companies, publishing companies and entertainment companies.