Tashsa Smith

Consultant at Tele Consultants - Alpharetta, GA, US

Tashsa Smith's Contact Details
Tele Consultants
Tashsa Smith's Company Details
Tele Consultants logo, Tele Consultants contact details

Tele Consultants

Alpharetta, GA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Tele-Consultants, Inc provides sustainable solutions in information assurance, software engineering, systems engineering, integrated logistics support, program management, and more. We have 30+ years of experience meeting the U.S. Navy's challenges. We're looking for opportunities and partnerships in new industries.We are a woman owned small business working to advance global economic development and sustainability because we have the applied technology and knowledge to do so.

SATCOM defense field engineering fleet support systems engineering software engineering logistics program management information assurance global economic development Cyber Security Aerospace/Defense Defense Contractors Defense & Space Aerospace Defense
Details about Tele Consultants
Frequently Asked Questions about Tashsa Smith
Tashsa Smith currently works for Tele-Consultants, Inc..
Tashsa Smith's role at Tele-Consultants, Inc. is Consultant.
Tashsa Smith's email address is ***@teleinc.com. To view Tashsa Smith's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tashsa Smith works in the Defense & Space industry.
Tashsa Smith's colleagues at Tele Consultants are John McCartney, Nelson Velasquez, Christopher Bergin, Harry Jones, Marlene Brueckman, Curt Renshaw, Paul LaFrance and others.
Tashsa Smith's phone number is 678-893-7903
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