Bitfocus understands that Human Services organizations face ever-increasing challenges: evolving compliance stipulations, fluctuating regulations, and constantly-changing funding requirements. We do our part by ensuring technology is the last thing you will have to worry about as you navigate these complexities. We work with communities and organizations of all sizes to make lasting, meaningful social change.We take care of the technology so you can take care of your community. Communities need the right tools and people for the job. Bitfocus has the unique distinction of being both an HMIS System Administrator and a vendor. Therefore, Clarity Human Services was intuitively built from the bottom up to meet the front-line needs in homeless services. Clarity Human Services tracks data, executes reports with simplicity and ease, and provides unparalleled case management tools. It is the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) of choice for the nation's largest Continuums of Care. We know Human Services software and the system administration services that must accompany it in order to operate successful, community-oriented, and data-driven systems. Bitfocus staff comprises a full team of technology, data, social services professionals, and policy experts who are here to assist you every step of the way. Our user-friendly interface and seasoned public policy professionals form a unique blend that delivers the best possible innovative and technological solutions for your community.