1&all is a partnership of two fundraising and contact center veterans (Stuart Discount and Kirk Beyer) and a leading contact center provider (Allied Global). 1&all was established to focus on serving non-profits, charities and Newspaper In Education programs through turnkey campaigns to create funding and constituent development. ABOUT THE PARTNERS From 1988 until 2011, Stuart Discount was CEO and owner of "121 Direct Response", a leading company in the provision of contact center services in the United States with four centers located in the United States and one in Guatemala. 1 2 1 Direct Response was the rebranding of Tele-Response Center which provided fundraising, direct mail and database services for many leading nonprofits and charities starting in 1988. In 1998, Tele-Response Center acquired some of the business interests of Spectrum Marketing which specialized in servicing the newspaper and circulation space including innovative campaigns to support Newspaper in Education programs for newspapers through the US. Finally, in 2005, the company acquired TelStar Marketing, a company dedicated to serving cable operators, formerly owned by the Lenfest Group which pioneered the cable and entertainment space. Throughout all of those many years, Kirk Beyer worked side by side with Stuart as SVP of the company overseeing Account Management and Operations as well as providing leadership to the company via strategy and business development. Allied Global is a contact center provider to the Americas with nearly 7,000 employees and centers through the United States, Canada, Guatemala and Honduras.