About UsWisdom Rose Business Consultancy Wisdom Rose Limited was established in 2014, and since then we have been helping many different businesses to overcome their challenges. Our professionals provide multidisciplinary solutions to the business challenges faced by Chinese organisations and foreign companies with operations or business in China. We also offer services to enterprises that need attention to their Asian operations and market development. We specialise in areas such as business management, business development, human capital, market research, overcoming culture barriers, reputation management and risk assessment. We provide comprehensive strategic advice and results-focused solutions. We help professional plan and execute M&A and investment transactions.We have helped businesses in the tourism sector, financing & funding sector, legal sector, human capital sector, film industry, technology industry, retail industry, event/P.R industry and wine industry.Wisdom Rose has executed many different types of projects that require high concentration and immediate attention. We help companies without disrupting their regular daily operations. We aim to support our clients the way they want, and we also provide extra options at all times. We help you assess contractual counterparties – by interviewing, researching and diligencing the background of these counterparties – either before you decide to contract, or as an ongoing review of your processes. We work for you. We do not undertake any matters in which we have an actual or potential conflict of interest – even with the consent of all parties. We help you negotiate with your counterparties in or from China. We can do as little or as much as you like.