Project, Marketing, and Operations Coordinator at The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada - Toronto, ON, CA
Founded by renowned ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall, the Jane Goodall Institute is a global non-profit organization that empowers people to make a difference for all living things. The Institute supports wildlife research, education and conservation, with the primary goal of ensuring the survival of great ape populations through community-centred conservation in Africa. The Institute also promotes sustainable livelihoods and nurtures new generations of committed, active citizens around the world. Our Vision: A healthy planet where people make compassionate choices to live sustainably and in harmony with each other, the environment and other animals. Our Mission: To understand and protect chimpanzees, other apes and their habitats, and to work toward creating an informed and compassionate multitude who will help to create a better world for people, other animals and our shared environment. Our Work: Roots & Shoots - Active in 50 countries worldwide, Roots & Shoots inspires youth to critically examine environmental and social issues, and create innovative, long-term solutions in their own communities. Community-Centred Conservation - JGI Canada supports the conservation of great ape habitat in Africa by working with local communities to improve their standard of living and engage in local conservation efforts. Conservation strategies include community-led land-use planning, sustainable agriculture, health promotion, income generation, and habitat protection. Chimpanzee Sanctuaries - JGI Canada supports the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center which provides long-term care for orphaned and injured chimpanzees, most of them victims of wildlife trafficking. Primatology Research – In 1960, Dr. Goodall began her ground-breaking research in Tanzania, recording observations that revolutionised primatology. Today, the Gombe Stream Research Centre hosts a new generation of scientists and field researchers who continue to enrich this scientific field.