TDM 2000 International is an umbrella organization founded in Sardinia in 2008, committed to foster cooperation across Europe through the establishment of a vivid network of youth organizations. Currently, TDM 2000 International counts within its ranks 25 organizations working in 19 countries, all over Europe and the world. Our team is composed by qualified professionals, with broad experience in fields such as training and coaching, project management, intercultural communication, fundraising and advocacy, lobbying or policy-making. So far TDM 2000 International has developed various projects and activities such as capacity building projects, training courses and study sessions, different sorts of encounters and workshops, awareness-raising campaigns and lobbying meetings, inquiries and polls, voluntary service projects, partnership building activities and contact making seminars, electronic and hard cover publications, youth exchanges and seminars, or other multi-measure projects with diverse types of social intervention for development.