Etudiant en master at LRCS - Laboratoire de Reactivite et Chimie des Solides - , Hauts-de-France, France
LRCS is a cutting-edge public research lab in the field of energy storage and conversion. LRCS' research projects tackle rechargeable batteries with additional researches dealing with photovoltaics and hydrogen storage. More specifically, LRCS' research fields include (but are not limited to) solid-state batteries, photorechargeable batteries, Na-ion batteries, organic batteries, Li/S batteries, battery safety, multi-scale modeling of Li-air batteries, modeling, silicon anodes, ink formulation, 18650 prototyping, dye-sensitized solar cells...LRCS was established by Prof. Michel Figlarz († 1994) and reached international fame under Prof. Jean-Marie Tarascon (now at Collège de France). Since 2008, LRCS is headed by Mathieu Morcrette with the challenge to answer societies' needs in terms of sustainable development (EV, grid storage...).LRCS is strong of 30 permanent researchers and 40 students and postdocs, looking forward to initiate new collaborations and meet new collaborators.LRCS (UMR 7314) is a joint laboratory under the aegis of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne and CNRS.