Out there, not far from suburban normality, there's a cohort of people who have discovered the real secret of life. Though they arrived at their discovery at different times, they share one key feature: They live life to the fullest!Courage is what binds them; male or female but it's not all they have in common. They have the wisdom of a monk, the tattoos of a tribes person, and in some cases more body piercings than Dennis Rodman.The uninitiated call them mad, the skeptics call them fake, but only a few know who they really are...They are a group of natural born leaders who thrive to defy the limits set by our weakest. Their persistence, passion, and love for one another are second to none. Their common motto is: Fear is a lie...a motto they live by every second of their lives.Tech Gear was founded to cater for these heroes – not as customers but as friends. Our mission revolves around three pillars: connecting them with each other, empowering them with products to discover their limits (if any!), and ensuring they remain the most misunderstood group of people on the planet...Tech Gear's online store offers a wide range of extreme sports and lifestyle equipment.