New Day Energy is New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts's top resource for high-quality residential, municipal, and commercial wood pellet boilers, furnaces, and multi-purpose solutions, as well as top-tier installation and pellet delivery. Read on for more about us!Have you ever had that thought you change the world, for the better? New Day Energy was born of the idea that splitting water into browns gas (H2 and O2) by means of electricity produced by wind power to raise the combustion efficiency of oil boilers was the ticket. This did not pan out, though the roots of our intention to change our world for the better were set. Wind turbines were erected, solar panels set in place and solar hot systems brought online. Then, in 2010 we discovered Maine Energy Systems the USA manufacturer of the OkoFEN wood pellet boiler. Biomass is a vast and still underutilized resource in the Northeast. So much so that the Australian owner of OkoFEN calls us the "great forest". NDE saw the potential in a properly built wood pellet boiler that doesn't need daily attention like a common pellet stove. Our time is precious it's a resource we cannot make more of. From my initial walk through in the Bethel Maine facility of MESys to the tour of the Austrian factory of OkoFEN I was impressed. Many companies we all use claim excellence in whatever they do, but really do they. I saw first hand the care of proper design in a component or the attention to detail in how the software works. NDE is here as the field installation extension to the manufacturer. We ensure that a system which is designed to last decades is installed correctly so that you the owner forget your saving money in fuel costs, carbon and building a future of clean energy. All you have to do is enjoy the heat.