Image Mentor | Style and Etiquette Expert at Image Maestros Hub - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Personal Branding Expert, Style Curator, Business Tools Expert & Image Mentor
We relish challenges to transform human beings into brands. We are a 360-degree image and personal branding company. Constant evaluation and genuine urge to grow, entertain and innovate is the core of who we are. IMH works with corporates and MNCs who have needs to engage, enthrall and experience upliftment of their human resources. We believe that we can shift people's levels intrinsically and extrinsically as per mutually decided vision.With us, magic happens as far as transforming individuals are concerned. IMH is here to work with them in all image-related and branding aspects. We work with intensity and depth unmatched in this industry. We are pioneers in retailing tools in the business of visual enhancement. If you wish to transform yourself or your business then we are your one-stop solution. IMH prides itself at being in the win-win space with every association of theirs.Be it an individual who wants to shift, enhance and transform themselves.