YindaYin Coaching believes in revolutionizing the current education system in this country; YindaYin Coaching is on a mission to reduce education inequality in this country by pushing for programs that provides equitable access to education including the children of immigrant communities in Queens, New York. YindaYin Coaching has been serving mostly children of Tibetan refugees and immigrants of New York and New Jersey since 2015 and the center is strategically located in Jackson Heights, a subsection of Queens with one of the densest Tibetan populations as well as a diverse population of immigrant communities. YindaYin is committed to high quality education, workshops, mentorship as well as networking opportunities to underserved immigrant communities in Queens. The center offers classes to students ranging from 3 years of age up to high school seniors, which include the following classes: Tibetan, Mandarin, English, Mathematics, Tibetan Music and an intensive SAT prep course. YindaYin also organizes weekly events such as workshops for parents to educate them about this complex education system as well as social event called "Kick Back Fridays" at the center to invite guest speakers who speak and write on various issues in the community as well as in a broader context of the globe.