ALTERNATIVAS ACTUALES DE CONSTRUCCIÓN S.L. (ALTAC), is a company incorporated in 2003 from the initiative of a professional team with more than thirtyyears of experience in the design and construction of industrial chimneys, and all those construction in which the slipform is used.ALTAC activities are based on new computer technologies applied to the design and the study of new materials with major guarantee, applied to the followingitems:- Design and construction of industrial chimneys.- Design and construction of solar towers.- Study and development of industrial viability programs for extended life plans of industrial chimneys.- Industrial chimneys retrofit of thermal power plants, to adapt its configuration to the new processes with desulfphurized gases, according to Kiotto'sProtocol or new international agreements.- New designs and constructive processes for the accomplishment of special works, such as: temporary platforms for heavy loads, unload cones insilos, lifting of silo roofs while sliding, heavy lliftings, etc …