Thirst Missions, the world's leader in short-term mission trips to Belize, is committed to leading high quality mission trips for every group. We take care of all the logistics and planning so your group can focus on ministry and relationships. On each trip, Thirst Missions has a staff of 2-4 who are with your group, taking care of logistics and guiding you through the trip. It is our goal to partner with you to provide opportunities for your group to minister, keep everyone safe, to guide the trip in cultural areas, and to serve your group by taking care of all the behind-the-scenes details. Thirst Missions has led hundreds of trips since its inception, from most of the 50 States and Canada, comprising many denominations. In recent years we have led 40-50 groups/year covering thousands of participants, and expect to lead 75+ groups in Belize during 2015.