Founded in 1983, Gottlieb, Flekier & Co., P.A. is a full service Certified Public Accounting firm organized as a professional association in the State of Kansas. There are three partners, all licensed in Kansas and Missouri. The firm has a total of 13 employees with 10 professional accountants. The firm's industry concentrations are in real estate, multi-family housing, not-for-profit service entities, construction, manufacturing and other service entities. Gottlieb, Flekier & Co., P.A.'s financial status and stability is evidenced by the 26 years it has been in business in the State of Kansas and by reputation among its clients and its peers. Gottlieb, Flekier & Co. participates in an external peer review every three years performed by our peers. We have only received positive peer reviews and have never been reprimanded or sanctioned by any accounting, auditing, local, state or federal authority.