The magnetic field is changing, and it's pointing east. It may be early days, but the attraction to Chilliwack is drawing a groundswell of multitudes, long fatigued by urban code and business conduct, in search of pathways less traveled. The name Ch'illiwack is derived from the Halq'eméylem word "Ts'elxwéyeqw" which means "going back upstream, as far as you can go in a canoe." We are a river valley with many streams, which is fitting for the diversity of ways to experience our landscape and inclusive attitudes.Tourism Chilliwack was established in 1998 as part of the Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation (CEPCO). The organization was created to forge a partnership between the City of Chilliwack and the tourism industry, to promote growth and diversification and to increase the economic impact of tourism. In 2006, Tourism Chilliwack became incorporated, with the City of Chilliwack as its sole shareholder. We are a non-traditional Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), which has a business function but also conforms to governance policies and undertakes strategic planning.