Teresa Pope

assistant at Troup County School System - Lagrange, GA, US

Teresa Pope's Contact Details
LaGrange,Georgia,United States
Troup County School System
Teresa Pope's Company Details
Troup County School System logo, Troup County School System contact details

Troup County School System

Lagrange, GA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Public High School: At LaGrange High School We Believe...1.Each Student has the right, the opportunity and the responsibility to learn.2. Learning occurs when students are realistically challenged and are involved in the learning process.3. A safe and comfortable environment promotes student learning.4. Positive relationships and mutual respect between staff and students enhances self-esteem and learning.5. Instruction should utilize various methods that address individual student learning styles.6. Learning is a life-long activity.7. Student involvedment in varied facets of school life promotes character, leadership, and teamwork and enables students to become positive contributors to society.8. The school environment should promote an appreciation of cultural diversity.9. Teachers, parents, students, and the community share the responsibility for the support and fulfillment of the school's mission.10. Self-discipline, critical thinking, teamwork, and problem solving are essential in preparing students to lead a meaningful and productive life.

Education Education/Training Administration of Educational Programs Education Management
Details about Troup County School System
Frequently Asked Questions about Teresa Pope
Teresa Pope currently works for Troup County Schools-LaGrange High School.
Teresa Pope's role at Troup County Schools-LaGrange High School is assistant.
Teresa Pope's email address is ***@troup.org. To view Teresa Pope's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Teresa Pope works in the Government Administration industry.
Teresa Pope's colleagues at Troup County School System are Susan Wooldridge, Kay Dunaway, Mitzi Norton, Teresa Sledge, Rita Kelley, Susan Hinson, Gerrie Wiker and others.
Teresa Pope's phone number is 706-812-7957
See more information about Teresa Pope