True Colorado is working to redefine the Colorado "Native". With so many newcomers to our great state, recent cultural sentiments have sown dissension between its natives and transplants. This undermines cohesiveness in our communities and is incongruent with the values Colorado was founded upon. We at True Colorado believe that all Coloradans, longtime and recent additions, can possess an attitude which makes for one Colorado.Originating in early 2019, True Colorado began as a response to Initiative 300. The proposition, which was largely funded from out of state entities, would permit homeless populations to camp out on public parks without fear of loitering charges. This would have fundamentally changed the communal areas to be a less safe and welcoming place for families and children. Thanks to the research and exposure of the issue by True Colorado and similar organizations, Initiative 300 failed.With the success of repealing initiative 300, True Colorado decided to officially begin producing documentary style videos to inform voters of Denver the dangers of certain legislations and highlight the truth of their funding sources. True Colorado is committed to producing content which upholds the founding values of our state and preserves them for the next generation of Coloradans.