Terri Belter

Corporate Administrator at Pan Orient Energy - Chino, California, United States

Terri Belter's Contact Details
Pan Orient Energy
Terri Belter's Company Details
Pan Orient Energy logo, Pan Orient Energy contact details

Pan Orient Energy

Chino, California, United States • 201 - 500 Employees
Oil & Energy

Corporate ProfilePan Orient is a Canadian publicly listed (TSX-V: POE) junior oil and natural gas company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Company's principal properties are divided into three distinct groups: 1) partially developed concession located on-shore Thailand; 2) interests in production sharing contracts on-shore Indonesia; and 3) Canadian oil sand properties;ThailandThe Company's 50% owned subsidiary Pan Orient Energy (Siam) Ltd. is operator with a 100% working interest in oil producing Concession L53/48 on-shore Thailand.IndonesiaThe Company has interests in three production sharing contracts on-shore Indonesia: 1) Batu Gajah (77% and operated); 2) Citarum (97% and operated); and 3) East Jabung (49% and non-operated after farmout).CanadaThe Company's 71.8%-owned subsidiary Andora Energy Corporation ("Andora") holds interests ranging from 10% to 100% in 88 contiguous sections of heavy oil sands leases in the Sawn Lake Property which lies within the central Alberta Peace River Oil Sands area. Andora is operator of a demonstration project at Sawn Lake which started producing bitumen from one steam-assisted gravity drainage ("SAGD") well pair in September 2014.

Details about Pan Orient Energy
Frequently Asked Questions about Terri Belter
Terri Belter currently works for Pan Orient Energy.
Terri Belter's role at Pan Orient Energy is Corporate Administrator.
Terri Belter's email address is ***@panorient.ca. To view Terri Belter's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Terri Belter works in the Oil & Energy industry.
Terri Belter's colleagues at Pan Orient Energy are Yan Liang, Jirayu Boonrod, Budi Is, Andi Fatemi, Montira Lolupimarn, Salvatore Pirrera and others.
Terri Belter's phone number is ["4032941770"]
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