The Waltham Chiropractor & Wellness Center helps you and your family to restore and maintain your health through natural, non-invasive treatment methods.Our "whole person" approach ensures that you see overall, long-lasting health improvements because we focus on treating the cause of your pain or ailment and NOT masking symptoms.Our treatment options include:– Applied Kinesiology (Muscle testing) assessments, also orthopedic and neurological testing– Chiropractic adjustments (spinal and extremities)– Meridian Autonomic Testing (MAT testing)– Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)– Chiropractic traction and numerous other forms of physical therapy– Chiropractic massage therapy– Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)– Personalized body cleanse and weight loss programs– Nutritional support– Specialized rehab exercisesAccepting new patients: Free scheduled consultation ($200 value)We help people of all walks of life and at all ages – from newborns to seniors over 100 years old.Office Hours:Mon. & Wed. 7 AM–12 PM and 1–6 PMTue. 7 AM–12 PM and 12:30–2:00 PMThur. 7 AM–12 PM and 12:30–2 PMFri. 7AM–12 PMSat.: By appointment