For 40 years, Cancer Lifeline has been dedicated to providing support and services to cancer patients and their loved ones. Our mission is to optimize the quality of life for all people living with cancer, and all of our programs are based on the needs of people living with cancer. We offer people choices and information and encourage them to take control. We stress inclusion rather than isolation. Most of all, we provide the environment where cancer patients and their families have the freedom to express feelings without being judged. We do this through more than 800 free classes, support groups and workshops in nutrition, exercise and artistic expression, direct financial assistance to low income people with cancer, and our toll-free 24 hour lifeline. One out of three persons will be affected by cancer in their lifetime and we are unique in the region as one of the only organizations providing these vital services. We are governed by a board of 13 and employ a staff of 13 at our headquarters near Greenlake in Seattle, Washington.